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As soon as the dust was settling from World War II, Norman Grubb began looking to revive the worldwide missionary activity of WEC International. Among other things, Siam (as Thailand was called then), caught his eye. Vast sections of it had never heard the Gospel. Inspired by his vision, The first four WECcers set out: Wilf and Evy Overgaard with their two small children, Ellen Gilman and Fern Berg.

This is the story of the first ten years of WEC in Thailand, beginning with those four, soon joined by others. They chose their work place, not out of convenience, but according to the need. The three provinces of Tak, Khamphaengphet and Sukhuthai were as far off the beaten path as one could imagine, taking at least two days to travel from Bangkok. There were absolutely no amenities available locally that a Westerner would normally take for granted. Sometimes there was no money, even if they were available. But they persisted, and the work, very slowly at first, began to grow.

This is their story...